Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shrinky Dink Magnets

When I was younger, my aunt gave me a Shrinky Dink kit for Christmas. Back then, just watching how the plastic shrinks in the oven was pretty awesome. My inspiration to revisit my childhood activity of making Shrinky Dinks occurred when I was browsing around Urban Outfitters and found these little mustache magnets that sold a pack of 8 for $8. Deciding that they were too expensive, I realized I could make them using my old leftover supply of Shrinky Dink and magnet strips. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beaded Wrap Bracelet

I couldn't believe how much these types of wrap bracelets at the store cost! What I didn't realize was how simple they were to make! I bought some beads at the store, but I also found some old beaded bracelets lying around at home and thought I could give them a much needed makeover.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Wrapping Paper Shoeboxes

The last two weeks I've been busy cleaning out and organizing my room. Two years ago, my mom told me to pack all of my stuff away because she wanted to change the carpet in my room to hardwood floor. So before I left for school, I did what she asked. Months later, she decided to just rent a carpet cleaner to wash the carpets (which didn't require me to pack everything)! I hadn't found the time to unpack all my things until now. And I also had all the boxes that I was moving back from my apartment room. So I guess at one point, my entire life was in boxes, as my friend had pointed out so accurately.